Notice to convene annual general meeting

April 8, 2009 at 11:15 AM CEST
The shareholders of Columbus IT Partner A/S (CVR no. 13 22 83 45) are hereby
given notice of the annual general meeting to be held on 

Monday April 27th 2009 at 10:00 a.m.

At Columbus IT, Lautrupvang 6, 2750 Ballerup, meeting room 4, with the
following agenda: 

1.	Board of Directors' report on the business of the Company during the past
2.	Presentation and approval of the annual report.
3.	Resolution on application of profit or covering of loss in accordance with
the approved annual report. 
4.	Proposal from the Board of Directors that the general meeting authorises the
Board of Directors for a period of 18 months from the date of the general
meeting to acquire for the Company up to 10 per cent of the Company's share
capital against payment which shall not deviate more than 10 per cent up or
downwards from the latest listed price of the shares at NASDAQ OMX Copenhagen
prior to the acquisition. 
5.	Election of members of the Board of Directors.
(i)	The Board of Directors proposes that Ib Kunøe, Claus Hougesen, Jørgen
Cadovius and Sven Madsen be re-elected. Information about the managerial posts
held by the members of the Board of Directors is available in the Annual Report

The Board of Directors also proposes that Carsten Gottschalck is elected as a
new member. Information about the managerial posts held by Carsten Gottschalck,
who is considered as being independent, is available in the full wording of
proposals for the general meeting. 
6.	Election of one or two state authorised public accountants as auditors.
(i)	The Board of Directors proposes that Deloitte Statsautoriseret
Revisionsaktieselskab (CVR no. 24 21 37 14) be re-elected. 
7.	Proposals from the Board of Directors and the shareholders.
(i)	Proposals from the Board of Directors: 
(a)	To amend Article 5.1 of the Articles of Association to read as follows:
Until 27th April 2014, the Board of Directors has been authorized to increase
the Company's share capital by up to DKK 20,496,048.75 nominal (equal to
16,396,839 shares of DKK 1.25 (nominal)) in one or more tranches. If the share
capital is increased at market price, including as payment for the Company's
acquisition of a going concern or other assets, the Board of Directors may
decide that the capital increase may be done without granting prior rights to
existing shareholders of the Company. The Board of Directors may also resolve
that all or part of the increase shall be done otherwise than by cash payment. 
(b)	To amend Article 5.2 of the Articles of Association to read as follows:
In addition to the authorization noted in Art. 5.1 above, the Board of
Directors shall be authorized until 27th April 2014 as part of issuing new
shares in favor of employees of the Company or its subsidiaries, to increase
the share capital by up to DKK 607,500.00 in one or more tranches without
granting prior rights to existing shareholders. The new shares shall be issued
at a subscription price which may be lower than the market price as determined
by the Board of Directors. 
(c)	To amend Article 6.1 of the Articles of Association to read as follows:
Until 27th April 2014, the Board of Directors shall be authorized to issue
warrants in one or more tranches to employees and directors of the Company and
its subsidiaries of up to DKK 4,750,000.00 (nominal). The warrants shall carry
the right to subscribe for shares at market price at the time of allocation of
the warrants. 
(ii)	No proposals have been received from the shareholders.
8.	Any other business.

For adoption of the proposals under items 2-6 of the agenda simple majority is
required. For adoption of any proposals under item 7 (i) a - c it is required
that two-thirds of the votes cast as well as the voting share capital
represented at the general meeting assent hereto. 

By the notice to convene annual general meeting Columbus IT Partner A/S has
registered a share capital on nominal DKK 96,465,530 corresponding to
77,172,424 shares of nominal DKK 1.25. Each share of nominal DKK 1.25 provides
1 vote. 

Pursuant to Article 12.1 of the Articles of Association shareholders that wish
to participate in the general meeting may order admittance cards on the
Company's website under “Investor” no later than April 22nd
2009 at 10:00 a.m. 

If the shareholder is represented by a proxy, the proxy shall order admittance
card as stated above against presentation of a written and dated proxy, which
shall not be more than one year old. 

The admittance card will be delivered to the shareholder registered in the
Company's shareholders' register or against presentation of a transcript of
depot from the Danish Securities Centre or from the accounting institute which
shall be no more than 8 days old as documentation for the ownership of shares. 

Nordea is the credit institution appointed by the Company, through which the
shareholders can exercise their financial authorities. 

No later than April 17th 2009 the agenda, the full wording of proposals for the
general meeting and the annual report for 2008 will be available at the
Company's office for inspection by the Company's shareholders and will also be
sent by e-mail to any registered shareholder which together with information
about their e-mail addresses have requested this. 

The Board of Directors of Columbus IT Partner A/S

Translation: In the event of any inconsistency between this document and the
Danish language version, the Danish language version shall be the governing